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Asciimilator - Info
small logo About Asciimilator

Asciimilator can convert bitmaps to HTML files that use ASCII characters and HTML colors to represent the bitmap's pixels. Take a look at the sample images in the gallerie to see what Asciimilator can do.

Asciimilator is for Win98/ME/2000/XP.

Asciimilator is freeware.

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Asciimilator's screen


A quick overview:

Pixel skip x: skip every "x" vertical pixel
Pixel skip y: skip every "x" horizontal pixel
Pixel offset: start with "x" Pixel
Clipboard: copys image from clipboard
Font size: HTML character font size
Background: background color
Black/White: is used in combination with the "Auto Pixel" feature, activate this checkbox for darker backgrounds- deactivate for lighter backgrounds.
Auto Pixel: will automatically determine what pixel is used by examining the color intensity
Pixel Text: Enter a text (disable "Auto Pixel" to use this feature) , it will be looped and used as characters in the output image.
Color Code Compression: Larger images can get quite big, use this feature to reduce the output file size. (similar to jpeg compression)

(c) 2005 Beyondmonkey